(For printing: the agenda without borders)
Tuesday, 11 March 2025
EBRAINS internal day

A day for EBRAINS internal meetings.


This meeting is (exclusively) for people who belong to any of these groups:

  • EBRAINS 2.0 project members (i.e. people, who any task unit under the EBRAINS 2.0 project in their users set of units)
  • members of other projects with EBRAINS AISBL membership -- as they contribute to the EBRAINS RI. To get access to the registration page an EBRAINS account (get an EBRAINS account here) with other-projects-permissions is needed. For getting the permissions, please use the "Request to Join" button for this group (you may need to follow the link twice)
  • EBRAINS National Node members

Start time: 12:30h

The "official" start time of the meeting is 12:30h. There is an optional possibility for booking rooms in the morning as well, in case people would like to use the morning as well. Please contact kindler@kip.uni-heidelberg.de to book a room.


Same venue as for the EBRAINS users day


  • Registration fee for the meeting:
    • full meeting 200 Euro (Students: 160 Euro)
    • only internal day + users day: 130 Euro (Students: 90 Euro)
    • only the users day: 80 Euro (Students: 40 Euro -- special low price)
  • EBRAINS2 and EBRAINS National Node members please register here for any combination of the three days (please do not use the registrations on the users day or the developers day agenda)


Available room types for in-parallel activities:

  • large seminar room (35 people with table space or up to 80 people without table space)
  • foyer (75 people with table space)
  • a seminar room for up to 30 people
  • 3 small seminar rooms (up to 10 people)
  • 2 small informal meeting places ("south bridges", up to 10 people)
  • several meeting rooms for up to 5 people
(120 min)
 OPTIONAL parallel meetings slot

This is an OPTIONAL slot before the "official" start of the meeting -- it is available for any project internal meetings, which either do not fit into the slots in the afternoon or would explicitly request to take place in the morning.

Most people will likely arrive only around lunch time, so meetings in this slot will likely be smaller, more focused.

WP5 + WP6 internal meetingMeeting C ...WP1-WP4 coding session

Location: Room R00.222 = Seminar room on ground floor

(Coding session running the whole day) Topic is: Task 1.4 session: large pointcloud data

(75 min)
 (Possibility for self-paid lunch in the university mensa)
"Official start" of the EBRAINS internal meetings day- and the plenary part of the meeting
(5+10 min)
 Welcome to the EBRAINS internal meeting
(40+5 min)
 The state of EBRAINS (TBC)
(5+5 min)
 Group photo
(30 min)
Coffee break
(90 min)
1st parallel meetings slot

Other event announcements (preliminary):

  • Lyuba: we (openMINDS + EBRAINS KG + other internals that are interested) would like to meet (best for 2h) to discuss future developments for openMINDS and EBRAINS KG.
EBRAINS German National Node meetingWp7 internal meeting (slot TBC)openMINDS + KG codingWP1-WP4 coding session ATHENA RC and EBRAINS AISBL(Prep for LB meeting)

Location: Room R00.222 = Seminar room on ground floor

(The meeting can be also be attended online. In person is preferred, however -- coffee!)

Contact: Victoria Barygina

Contact: Lyuba Zehl

(Coding session running the whole day)

Technical meeting.
Contact: Evangelia Drymaliti

contact: Alina

(30 min)
Coffee break
(90 min)
2nd parallel meetings slot
LB, WP managers + guestsEBRAINS Software DistributionWP1-WP4 coding sessionopenMINDS + KG coding cont.any other parallel meetings?

Kick-off for midterm reporting and review (EBRAINS 2.0). Audience: leadership board members and WP managers

Location: Room R00.222 = Seminar room on ground floor

(time confirmed)

Meeting of the Integration and Quality Working Group

(whole day coding session)

(room for the openMINDS + KG coding continued)

(20 min)
Coffee break
(90 min)
3rd and final parallel meetings slot
openMINDS + KG + WP1 coding2nd part of ATHENA + EBRAINS AISBL meetingWP1-WP4 coding sessionEBRAINS2.0 Task Force on RI-wide User Strategy

Contact: Lyuba Zehl

Contact: Evangelia Drymaliti

(whole day session continued)

(TBC - Lars Klüver)

(80 min)
Catering dinner
End of the EBRAINS internal day

Wednesday, 12 March 2025
EBRAINS tutorials and users day

Please see the agenda of the EBRAINS tutorials and users day here

Thursday, 13 March 2025
EBRAINS developers day

Please see the agenda of the EBRAINS developers day here

Friday, 14 March 2025
EBRAINS 2.0 WP3 meeting

Please find the WP3 day agenda here.

EBRAINS members from other WPs, who are interested in the WP3 topics, are welcome to join.
Please contact Melany GOUELLO (melany.GOUELLO@univ-amu.fr), if you need additional information.

Contact: bjoern.kindler@kip.uni-heidelberg.de
Agenda page for printing (also as short info or short info with end-time)