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Tools for Molecular Simulation of Neuronal Signaling Cascades - Agenda

Wednesday, 21 June 2023
CEST: 13:00
UTC: 11:00
Second HBPMolSim Training Workshop on Tools for Molecular Simulation of Neuronal Signaling Cascades

2nd Training Workshop on Tools for Molecular Simulation of Neuronal Signaling Cascades

The human brain is one of the most complex and fascinating structures. It is still far from understood and therefore considered one the last biological frontiers. Its function is the result of intricate signal transmission networks and reactions occurring within and between neurons. To model and simulate such complexity, multiscale models are required that are aimed at reproducing brain function through a bottom-up approach, from the molecular to the whole brain level. This workshop will provide training in some of the computational tools developed in the Human Brain Project that enable brain simulation and modelling at the molecular and subcellular levels. This workshop is intended to offer an overview of these tools and their application and provide students and young researchers with the necessary theoretical background and practical experience to enable them to apply them in their own research. There will be a mix of lectures and practical session as well as discussions of case studies and the participants' own research problems.

This workshop is part of the EBRAINS RI trainings. Registration to the training is now closed.

Venue for the Hybrid Event

  • on site: Mathematikon (Building A -entrance from the Klaus Tschira platz), 3rd Floor computer pool, Im Neuenheimer Feld 205, Heidelberg, Germany see map
  • online: zoom


  • for registered meeting attendants material is available in this Collab drive
CEST: 13:00
UTC: 11:00
Session 1: OMICS and Subcellular Simulations
CEST: 13:00‑13:30
UTC: 11:00‑11:30
(30 min)
 Welcome & introduction

Introduction and overview of the HBP and EBRAINS.

Talk slides

Rebecca Wade (HITS gGmbH)
CEST: 13:30‑14:30
UTC: 11:30‑12:30
(60 min)
 Lecture and Hands-on

Synaptic Proteome Database (Overview and Demo)

Talk slides & Tutorial files


Douglas Armstrong (UEDIN, UK), Oksana Sorokina (UEDIN, UK)
CEST: 14:30‑15:00
UTC: 12:30‑13:00
(30 min)
CEST: 15:00‑16:00
UTC: 13:00‑14:00
(60 min)
 Lecture and Hands-on:

Subcellular toolset

Talk & Tutorial Slides


Olivia Eriksson (KTH, Sweden) & Federica Milinanni (KTH, Sweden)
CEST: 16:00‑17:30
UTC: 14:00‑15:30
(90 min)
 Lecture and Hands-on:

Subcellular App

Tutorial slides


Andrey Stepaniuk (EPFL, Switzerland)
CEST: 17:30‑18:00
UTC: 15:30‑16:00
(30 min)
 Case studies discussionAll tutors

Thursday, 22 June 2023
CEST: 13:00
UTC: 11:00
2nd HBPMolSim Training Workshop on Tools for Molecular Simulation of Neuronal Signaling Cascades, day II
CEST: 13:00
UTC: 11:00
Session 2: Molecular Data and Simulations
CEST: 13:00‑14:30
UTC: 11:00‑12:30
(90 min)
 Lecture and hands-on:

CNS ligands/MoDel/Setting up/running molecular dynamics simulations

Talk & Tutorial Slides


Adam Hospital (IRB, Spain)
CEST: 14:30‑14:45
UTC: 12:30‑12:45
(15 min)
CEST: 14:45‑15:15
UTC: 12:45‑13:15
(30 min)

tauRAMD calculations of protein-ligand dissociation rates

Talk slides


Giulia D'Arrigo (HITS gGmbH)
CEST: 15:15‑16:45
UTC: 13:15‑14:45
(90 min)

tauRAMD calculations of protein-ligand dissociation rates

Giulia D’Arrigo (HITS, Germany)
CEST: 16:45‑17:00
UTC: 14:45‑15:00
(15 min)
CEST: 17:00‑18:30
UTC: 15:00‑16:30
(90 min)
 Lecture and Hands-on:

SSB toolkit: from molecular structure to subcellular networks


Alejandro Giorgetti (University of Verona, Italy) and Rui Ribeiro (FZJ, Germany)

Friday, 23 June 2023
CEST: 09:00
UTC: 07:00
2nd HBPMolSim Training Workshop on Tools for Molecular Simulation of Neuronal Signaling Cascades - day III
CEST: 09:00
UTC: 07:00
Session 3: Further Molecular Dynamics Simulations Techniques
CEST: 09:00‑11:00
UTC: 07:00‑09:00
(120 min)
 Lecture and Hands-on:

QM/MM interface to compute protein-ligand binding kinetics

Set up guide & Tutorial files


Davide Mandelli (FZJ, Germany), Emiliano Ippoliti (FZJ, Germany) & Mirko Paulikat (FZJ, Germany)
CEST: 11:00‑11:15
UTC: 09:00‑09:15
(15 min)
CEST: 11:15‑13:15
UTC: 09:15‑11:15
(120 min)
 Lecture and Hands-on:

Brownian dynamics simulations with SDA to compute association rates

Talk slides & Tutorial files


Abraham Muniz Chicharro (HITS, Germany), Stefan Richter (HITS, Germany) & Rebecca Wade (HITS, Germany)
CEST: 13:15‑13:45
UTC: 11:15‑11:45
(30 min)
 Lunch Break
CEST: 13:45
UTC: 11:45
Session 4: Molecular Data
CEST: 13:45‑14:30
UTC: 11:45‑12:30
(45 min)

ACRALL (Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Allosteric Ligand Library

Talk slides


Jean-Pierre Changeux (IP, France), Marco Cecchini (UNISTRA, France)
CEST: 14:30‑15:00
UTC: 12:30‑13:00
(30 min)
 Case studies discussionAll tutors
CEST: 15:00‑15:15
UTC: 13:00‑13:15
(15 min)
CEST: 15:15
UTC: 13:15
HBP BRAVE Partner project - Open Workshop

The BRAVE project addresses the problem of COVID-19's impact on the brain by tackling COVID-19 brain inflammation by computer-aided molecular design.

The aim of the project is to block SARS-CoV-2 mediated neurodegeneration and brain damage by inhibiting the activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome, which is responsible for neuroinflammation in several neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and long COVID-19. The results of this project will be presented and discussed in this workshop.

CEST: 15:15
UTC: 13:15
Session 1: Presentations of project achievements
CEST: 15:15‑16:15
UTC: 13:15‑14:15
(60 min)

Project Introduction and Results, part 1: COVID-19 and neuroinflammation. Identification of new molecules to target neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration.

Talk slides


Francesca Spyrakis (Turin, Italy)
CEST: 16:15‑17:15
UTC: 14:15‑15:15
(60 min)

Project Results, part 2: NLRP3 monomer Functional Dynamics: from the Effects of Allosteric Binding to Implications for Drug Design

Talk slides


Giorgio Colombo (Pavia, Italy)