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NICE 2024 - Agenda

(show all abstracts)
Tuesday, 23 April 2024
PDT: 08:00
JST: Wed, 24 Apr 00:00
NICE 2024-- day 1

NICE 2024


For registration, please see the registration options and link to the registration form.


show a map with the two venues and the hotels.
PDT: 08:00
JST: Wed, 24 Apr 00:00

NICE 2024 agenda

Times listed are Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).

It is also possible to show the agenda with other time zones listed, which are relevant for: Africa, America, Australia, China, Europe, India, Japan

PDT: 08:00‑08:30
JST: Wed, 24 Apr 00:00‑00:30
(30 min)
 Registration and breakfast
PDT: 08:30‑08:45
JST: Wed, 24 Apr 00:30‑00:45
(15+5 min)
Welcome and opening


Gert Cauwenberghs, Duygu Kuzum, Tajana Rosing (Institute for Neural Computation and Jacobs School of Engineering, UC San Diego)
Miroslav Krstić (Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, UC San Diego)
PDT: 08:50‑09:35
JST: Wed, 24 Apr 00:50‑01:35
(45+5 min)
Organisers round


Members of the organising committees
PDT: 09:40‑10:25
JST: Wed, 24 Apr 01:40‑02:25
(45+5 min)
Keynote: Brains and AI
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
show talk video


Terry Sejnowski (Salk Institute for Biological Studies)
PDT: 10:30‑11:00
JST: Wed, 24 Apr 02:30‑03:00
(30 min)
PDT: 11:00‑11:25
JST: Wed, 24 Apr 03:00‑03:25
(25+5 min)
Biological Dynamics Enabling Training of Binary Recurrent Networks
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
show talk video
Publication DOI: 10.1109/NICE61972.2024.10549632

show abstract


William Chapman (Sandia National Laboratories)
PDT: 11:30‑11:40
JST: Wed, 24 Apr 03:30‑03:40
(10+5 min)
Towards Convergence Intelligence – neuromorphic engineering and engineered organoids for neurotechnology
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
show talk video

show abstract


Dr. Grace Hwang (Program Director, National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)/ U.S. BRAIN Initiative)
PDT: 11:45‑12:10
JST: Wed, 24 Apr 03:45‑04:10
(25+5 min)
Invited talk: Learning algorithms for spiking and physical neural networks
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
show talk video

show abstract


Friedemann Zenke (Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research & University of Basel)
PDT: 12:15‑12:30
JST: Wed, 24 Apr 04:15‑04:30
(15 min)
Poster teasers

1-min "this is my poster content" teasers

  • Shelah O. Ameli
  • Alaaddin Goktug Ayar
  • Kanha Batra/ Jiaqi Zhang
  • Younes Bouhadjar
  • Mario De Florio and Adar Kahana
  • Michael Furlong
  • David Mascarenas
  • Sonia Mazelet
  • Roy Moyal
  • Shaan Shah
  • Simon Thorpe and Aditya Kar
  • Zoran Utkovski
  • Margot Wagner and Kameron Gano
  • Jason Yik


PDT: 12:30‑14:00
JST: Wed, 24 Apr 04:30‑06:00
(90 min)
Poster-lunch (posters + finger food)

Maximum possible poster size: landscape, 48 inch x 70 inch.


  • Shelah O. Ameli: Leveraging Programmable Plasticity on Neuromorphic Hardware
  • Roy Moyal: A Neuromorphic Algorithm for Dynamic Contrast Optimization
  • David Mascarenas: Beating 2 Sides of the Exposure Triangle in Post Processing with Neuromorphic Imager Arrays
  • Mario De Florio and Adar Kahana: Analysis of biologically plausible neuron models for regression with spiking neural networks
  • Zoran Utkovski: Neuromorphic Wireless Device-Edge Co-Inference via the Directed Information Bottleneck
  • Michael Furlong: Sparse fractional power encoding for fixed-point neuromorphic hardware.
  • Shaan Shah: Implementation of Matrix Vector Multiplication Operations Using Hydrogenated Perovskite Nickelate Synaptic Networks
  • Margot Wagner and Kameron Gano: Stochastic Markov Diffusion using Eigenmode Decomposition for Scalable Neuromorphic Synapses
  • Younes Bouhadjar: Exploring methods for training Spiking Neural Networks for optimal accuracy and efficiency
  • Simon Thorpe and Aditya Kar: The Terabrain Project: Simulating billions of spiking neurons on standard computer hardware (Poster and Demo)


  • William Chapman: "Biological Dynamics Enabling Training of Binary Recurrent Networks"
  • Alaaddin Goktug Ayar: "Brain-Inspired Hypervector Processing at the Edge of Large Language Models"
  • Jason Yik: NeuroBench: A Framework for Benchmarking Neuromorphic Computing Algorithms and Systems
  • Kanha Batra/ Jiaqi Zhang: "Neuromodulated Mixture of Experts: A prefrontal cortex inspired architecture for lifelong learning"
  • Sonia Mazelet: "Compositional Factorization of Visual Scenes with Convolutional Sparse Coding and Resonator Networks"
PDT: 14:00‑14:25
JST: Wed, 24 Apr 06:00‑06:25
(25+5 min)
SQUAT: Stateful Quantization-Aware Training in Recurrent Spiking Neural Networks
show talk video
Publication DOI: 10.1109/NICE61972.2024.10549198

show abstract


Sreyes Venkatesh (UC Santa Cruz)
PDT: 14:30‑14:40
JST: Wed, 24 Apr 06:30‑06:40
(10+5 min)
Expressive Dendrites in Spiking Networks
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
show talk video
Publication DOI: 10.1109/NICE61972.2024.10548485

show abstract


Mark Plagge (Sandia National Laboratories)
PDT: 14:45‑15:10
JST: Wed, 24 Apr 06:45‑07:10
(25+5 min)
Text-to-Events: Synthetic Event Camera Streams from Conditional Text Input
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
video (restricted access)
Publication DOI: 10.1109/NICE61972.2024.10549580

show abstract


Shih-Chii Liu (Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich)
PDT: 15:15‑15:45
JST: Wed, 24 Apr 07:15‑07:45
(30 min)
PDT: 15:45‑16:10
JST: Wed, 24 Apr 07:45‑08:10
(25+5 min)
Embracing the Hairball: An Investigation of Recurrence in Spiking Neural Networks for Control
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
show talk video
Publication DOI: 10.1109/NICE61972.2024.10548512

show abstract


Katie Schuman (University of Tennessee)
PDT: 16:15‑17:00
JST: Wed, 24 Apr 08:15‑09:00
(45 min)
Open mic / discussion -- day I speakers


PDT: 17:00‑17:30
JST: Wed, 24 Apr 09:00‑09:30
(30 min)
Misha Mahowald Prizes
show talk video
  • 2023 Misha Mahowald Prize:
    James Bradley Aimone, Brian C. Franke, Richard B. Lehoucq, Michael C. Krygier, Aaron J. Hill, Ojas Parekh, Leah E. Reeder, William Severa, and J. Darby Smith, Sandia National Laboratory


Tobi Delbruck (Inst. for Neuroinformatics, UZH-ETH Zurich)
PDT: 17:30‑18:00
JST: Wed, 24 Apr 09:30‑10:00
(30 min)
Misha Mahowald Prizes
show talk video
  • Misha Mahowald Recognition of Lifetime Contribution to Neuromorphic Engineering:
    Carver Mead, Gordon and Betty Moore Professor Emeritus of Engineering and Applied Science at the California Institute of Technology


Carver Mead (California Institute of Technology)
PDT: 18:00‑19:00
JST: Wed, 24 Apr 10:00‑11:00
(60 min)
Reception and celebration of 35+ years of neuromorphic engineering

Wednesday, 24 April 2024
PDT: 08:00
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 00:00
NICE 2024 - Day II
PDT: 08:00‑08:30
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 00:00‑00:30
(30 min)
PDT: 08:30‑09:15
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 00:30‑01:15
(45+5 min)
Keynote: Hearing with Silicon Cochleas


Shih-Chii Liu (Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich)
PDT: 09:20‑09:30
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 01:20‑01:30
(10+5 min)
Explaining Neural Spike Activity for Simulated Bio-plausible Network through Deep Sequence Learning
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
show talk video
Publication DOI: 10.1109/NICE61972.2024.10549689

show abstract


Shruti R Kulkarni (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
PDT: 09:35‑10:00
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 01:35‑02:00
(25+5 min)
Invited talk: Hardware Accelerators for Brain-Inspired Computing

show abstract


John Arthur (IBM Research)
PDT: 10:05‑10:30
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 02:05‑02:30
(25+5 min)
Hardware-aware Few-shot Learning on a Memristor-based Small-world Architecture
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
show talk video
Publication DOI: 10.1109/NICE61972.2024.10548824

show abstract


Karthik Charan Raghunathan (Institute of Neuroinformatics, ETH and UZH Zurich)
PDT: 10:35‑11:05
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 02:35‑03:05
(30 min)
PDT: 11:05‑11:30
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 03:05‑03:30
(25+5 min)
Spiking Physics-Informed Neural Networks on Loihi-2
Publication DOI: 10.1109/NICE61972.2024.10548180


Brad Theilman (Sandia National Laboratories)
PDT: 11:35‑11:45
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 03:35‑03:45
(10+5 min)
jaxsnn: Event-driven Gradient Estimation for Analog Neuromorphic Hardware
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
show talk video
Publication DOI: 10.1109/NICE61972.2024.10548709

Talk video on YouTube

show abstract


Eric Müller (BrainScaleS, Heidelberg University)
PDT: 11:50‑12:00
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 03:50‑04:00
(10+5 min)
Late-breaking-news: Distributed Neural State Machines on Loihi 2
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)

show abstract


Alpha Renner (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
PDT: 12:05‑12:20
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 04:05‑04:20
(15 min)
Poster teasers 1-min "this is my poster content" teasers
  • Patrick Abbs
  • Sai Sukruth Bezugam
  • Gwenevere Frank
  • Alessandro Galloni
  • Min Suk Lee and Abhinav Uppal
  • Srideep Musuvathy
  • Lars Niedermeier:
  • Joey Randich
  • Nancy Ronquillo
  • Yusuke Sakemi:
  • Bernard Vogginger
  • Felix Wang
  • Katy Warr
  • Yucheng Zhou


PDT: 12:20‑12:30
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 04:20‑04:30
(10 min)
Group photo


PDT: 12:30‑14:00
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 04:30‑06:00
(90 min)
Poster-lunch (posters + finger food)

Maximum possible poster size: landscape, 48 inch x 70 inch.


  • Bernard Vogginger: Neuromorphic hardware for sustainable AI data centers
  • Gwenevere Frank: HiAER-Spike: Hardware-Software Co-Design for Large-Scale Reconfigurable Event-Driven Neuromorphic Computing
  • Alessandro Galloni: Neuroscience-inspired one-shot learning in VO2-based analog hardware
  • Lars Niedermeier: An Integrated Toolbox for Creating Neuromorphic Edge Applications
  • Srideep Musuvathy: A Spiking Neural Algorithm for Markov RewardProcesses
  • Joey Randich: Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neuron as an Analog-to-Digital Converter
  • Nancy Ronquillo: Exploiting Cognitive State EEG Datasets with Transfer Learning
  • Katy Warr: Optimising Sparse Associative Memory with Neurogenesis for Accuracy and Deployment
  • Yucheng Zhou: Understanding Conduction Mechanism of Filament-free Bulk RRAM for Neuromorphic Computing Applications
  • Min Suk Lee and Abhinav Uppal: In-Ear Physiology for Brain-Body Health Monitoring (Poster and Live Demo)
  • Yusuke Sakemi: Learning upon Drain-Voltage Dependence of Synaptic Currents in In-Memory Computing: A Circuit Simulation Study Using Open PDK


  • Alpha Renner: "Neuromorphic Hyperdimensional Computing"
  • Patrick Abbs: "One-Shot Auditory Blind Source Separation via Local Learning in a Neuromorphic Network"
  • Sai Sukruth Bezugam: "Quantized Context Based LIF Neurons for Recurrent Spiking Neural Networks in 45nm"
  • Felix Wang: "STACS: "Simulation Tool for Asynchronous Cortical Streams"
  • Shruti R. Kulkarni: "Explaining Neural Spike Activity for Simulated Bio-plausible Network through Deep Sequence Learning"

PDT: 14:00‑14:10
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 06:00‑06:10
(10+5 min)
Quantized Context Based LIF Neurons for Recurrent Spiking Neural Networks in 45nm
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
show talk video
Publication DOI: 10.1109/NICE61972.2024.10548306

show abstract


Sai Sukruth Bezugam (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California Santa Barbara)
PDT: 14:15‑14:40
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 06:15‑06:40
(25+5 min)
Compositional Factorization of Visual Scenes with Convolutional Sparse Coding and Resonator Networks
Publication DOI: 10.1109/NICE61972.2024.10549719

show abstract


Chris Kymn (UC Berkeley), Sonia Mazelet (UC Berkeley)
PDT: 14:45‑14:55
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 06:45‑06:55
(10+5 min)
Towards Chip-in-the-loop Spiking Neural Network Training via Metropolis-Hastings Sampling
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
show talk video
Publication DOI: 10.1109/NICE61972.2024.10548355

show abstract


Ali Safa (imec and KU Leuven)
PDT: 15:00‑15:10
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 07:00‑07:10
(10+5 min)
Leveraging Sparsity of SRNNs for Reconfigurable and Resource-Efficient Network-on-Chip
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
Publication DOI: 10.1109/NICE61972.2024.10548940

show abstract


Manu Rathore (TENNLab - Neuromorphic Architectures, Learning, Applications (The University of Tennessee, Knoxville))
PDT: 15:15‑15:45
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 07:15‑07:45
(30 min)
PDT: 15:45‑16:10
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 07:45‑08:10
(25+5 min)
Invited talk: Towards fractional order dynamics neuromorphic elements
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
show talk video

show abstract


Fidel Santamaria (Department of Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology, University of Texas at San Antonio)
PDT: 16:15‑16:25
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 08:15‑08:25
(10+5 min)
Compute-in-Memory with 6T-RRAM Memristive Circuit for Next-Gen Neuromorphic Hardware
Publication DOI: 10.1109/NICE61972.2024.10548860

show abstract


Kang Jun Bai (Air Force Research Laboratory)
PDT: 16:30‑17:30
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 08:30‑09:30
(60 min)
Open mic / discussion - day II speakers


PDT: 17:30
JST: Thu, 25 Apr 09:30
End of the second day

Thursday, 25 April 2024
PDT: 08:00
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 00:00
PDT: 08:00‑08:30
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 00:00‑00:30
(30 min)
PDT: 08:30‑09:15
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 00:30‑01:15
(45+5 min)
Keynote: NeuroBench: A Framework for Benchmarking Neuromorphic Computing Algorithms and Systems
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
show talk video

show abstract


Jason Yik (School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard)
PDT: 09:20
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 01:20
IEEE EMBS Forum on Intelligent Healthcare

PDT: 09:20‑09:25
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 01:20‑01:25
(5 min)
 Introduction to the IEEE EMBS Forum on Intelligent Healthcare
show talk video


Gert Cauwenberghs (UC San Diego)
PDT: 09:25‑09:35
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 01:25‑01:35
(10 min)
 AI for healthcare
show talk video


Margot Wagner (Salk Institute)
PDT: 09:35‑09:45
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 01:35‑01:45
(10 min)
 Boxes are pre-digital -- Discovering physiological diversity with AI
show talk video


Benjamin Smarr (UC San Diego)
PDT: 09:45‑09:55
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 01:45‑01:55
(10 min)
 Organoid intelligence
show talk video


Francesca Puppo (UC San Diego)
PDT: 09:55‑10:05
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 01:55‑02:05
(10 min)
 Health & AI: Flexible Engineered Learning Systems
show talk video


Dr. Grace Hwang (NIH / NINDS)
PDT: 10:05‑10:15
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 02:05‑02:15
(10 min)
 EMBS Strategic Plan: from Vision to Implementation
show talk video


Metin Akay (IEEE EMBS)
PDT: 10:20‑10:50
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 02:20‑02:50
(30 min)
PDT: 10:50‑11:00
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 02:50‑03:00
(10+5 min)
One-Shot Auditory Blind Source Separation via Local Learning in a Neuromorphic Network
show talk video

show abstract


Patrick Abbs (Cambrya, LLC)
PDT: 11:05‑11:30
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 03:05‑03:30
(25+5 min)
Invited talk: TENN: A highly efficient transformer replacement for edge and event processing.
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)


M Anthony Lewis (BrainChip)
PDT: 11:35‑11:45
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 03:35‑03:45
(10+5 min)
A Recurrent Dynamic Model for Efficient Bayesian Optimization
show talk video
Publication DOI: 10.1109/NICE61972.2024.10548051

show abstract


P. Michael Furlong (Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience/Systems Design Engineering, University of Waterloo)
PDT: 11:50‑12:15
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 03:50‑04:15
(25+5 min)
Invited talk: Strategic & Large-Scale Considerations of Neuromorphic Computing
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
show talk video

show abstract


Craig Vineyard (Sandia National Laboratory)
PDT: 12:20‑12:30
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 04:20‑04:30
(10+5 min)
GPU-RANC: A CUDA Accelerated Simulation Framework for Neuromorphic Architectures
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
show talk video
Publication DOI: 10.1109/NICE61972.2024.10548776

show abstract


Joshua Mack (Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Arizona)
PDT: 12:35‑13:35
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 04:35‑05:35
(60 min)
PDT: 13:35‑13:45
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 05:35‑05:45
(10+5 min)
Late-breaking-news: Neuromodulated mixture of experts: A prefrontal cortex inspired architecture for lifelong learning
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
show talk video

show abstract


Clara N Yi (Salk Institute for Biological Studies)
PDT: 13:50‑14:15
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 05:50‑06:15
(25+5 min)
Energy Efficient Implementation of MVM Operations Using Filament-free Bulk RRAM Arrays
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
show talk video
Publication DOI: 10.1109/NICE61972.2024.10549369

show abstract


Dr. Ashwani Kumar (Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC San Diego)
PDT: 14:20‑14:30
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 06:20‑06:30
(10+5 min)
TickTockTokens: a minimal building block for event-driven systems
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
show talk video
Publication DOI: 10.1109/NICE61972.2024.10549408


Johannes Leugering (Institute for Neural Computation, Bioengineering Dept., UC San Diego)
PDT: 14:35‑14:45
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 06:35‑06:45
(10+5 min)
Late-breaking-news: Brain-Inspired Hypervector Processing at the Edge of Large Language Models
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
show talk video


Goktug Ayar (University of Louisiana at Lafayette)
PDT: 14:50‑15:00
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 06:50‑07:00
(10+5 min)
Spiking Neural Network-based Flight Controller
show presentation.pdf (public accessible)
show talk video
Publication DOI: 10.1109/NICE61972.2024.10548609

show abstract


Diego Chavez Arana (New Mexico State University)
PDT: 15:05‑15:35
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 07:05‑07:35
(30 min)
Coffee break
PDT: 15:35‑16:00
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 07:35‑08:00
(25+5 min)
PETNet– Coincident Particle Event Detection using Spiking Neural Networks
show talk video
Publication DOI: 10.1109/NICE61972.2024.10549584

show abstract


Jan Debus (ETH Zurich)
PDT: 16:05‑16:15
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 08:05‑08:15
(10+5 min)
NeRTCAM: CAM-Based CMOS Implementation of Reference Frames for Neuromorphic Processors
show talk video
Publication DOI: 10.1109/NICE61972.2024.10548603

show abstract


Harideep Nair (Carnegie Mellon University.)
PDT: 16:20‑17:20
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 08:20‑09:20
(60 min)
Open mic / discussion - day III speakers


PDT: 17:20‑17:30
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 09:20‑09:30
(10 min)
Final words -- invitation to NICE 2025


PDT: 17:30
JST: Fri, 26 Apr 09:30
End of day 3 and of the talk-days of NICE 2024

Friday, 26 April 2024
PDT: 08:30
JST: Sat, 27 Apr 00:30
Tutorial day


The tutorial day takes place at the San Diego Supercomputer Center SDSC (SDSC visitor information page)

There is no reserved parking available for the Friday tutorial.

  • Visitor Parking (needs to be paid) is available at the Hopkins Parking Structure (UC San Diego, Supercomputer Center - Hopkins Parking Structure, 10100 Hopkins Dr, La Jolla San Diego, CA 92093)
  • Visitor Parking Information:
  • There is free parking, based on availability at the Torrey Pines Gliderport. There may be parking either on the street, or more likely in the dirt parking lot. It is a 20 - 30-minute walk to the San Diego Supercomputer Center based on your individual speed:

Tutorials are in three different rooms, all located at San Diego Supercomputer Center, East Expansion; Level B1

  • INC central foyer
  • Synthesis Center
  • INC conference room


These 9 tutorial suggestions have been selected.

  • Hands-on tutorial: BrainScaleS neuromorphic compute system (via the EBRAINS Research Infrastructure )
  • An Introduction to Design and Simulation using SNS-Toolbox and SNSTorch
  • Simulation Tool for Asynchronous Cortical Streams (STACS)
  • N2A – neural programming language and workbench
  • SANA-FE: Simulating Advanced Neuromorphic Architectures for Fast Exploration
  • An Integrated Toolbox for Creating Neuromorphic Edge Applications
  • CrossSim: A Hardware/Software Co-Design Tool for Analog In-Memory Computing
  • Neuromorphic Intermediate Representation
  • Building Scalable, Composable Spiking Neural Algorithms with Fugu (An Introduction)
PDT: 08:30‑10:30
JST: Sat, 27 Apr 00:30‑02:30
(120 min)
Tutorial slot I

Three tutorials in parallel

show abstract

Hands-on tutorial: BrainScaleS neuromorphic compute system An Integrated Toolbox for Creating Neuromorphic Edge ApplicationsSimulation Tool for Asynchronous Cortical Streams (STACS)
Eric Müller (Heidelberg University)

Room: INC central foyer

(via the EBRAINS Research Infrastructure. Please ideally create your EBRAINS account before the tutorial)

Tutorial abstract

Lars Niedermeier (Niedermeier Consulting), Jeff Krichmar (UC Irvine)

Room: Synthesis Center

Tutorial abstract

Felix Wang (Sandia National Laboratories)

Room: INC conference room

Tutorial abstract


PDT: 10:30‑11:00
JST: Sat, 27 Apr 02:30‑03:00
(30 min)
Coffee break
PDT: 11:00‑13:00
JST: Sat, 27 Apr 03:00‑05:00
(120 min)
Tutorial slot II

Three tutorials in parallel

show abstract

Neuromorphic Intermediate RepresentationBuilding Scalable, Composable Spiking Neural Algorithms with Fugu (An Introduction)An Introduction to Design and Simulation using SNS-Toolbox and SNSTorch
Bernhard Vogginger (TU Dresden), Jason Eshraghian (UC Santa Cruz)

Room: INC central foyer

Tutorial abstract

Srideep Musuvathy (Sandia National Laboratories)

Room: Synthesis Center

Tutorial abstract

Will Nourse (Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH)

Room: INC conference room

Tutorial abstract


PDT: 13:00‑14:00
JST: Sat, 27 Apr 05:00‑06:00
(60 min)

UCSD INC is pleased to offer the following live demonstration, free of charge, to all NICE 2024 attendees during the lunch hour at the UCSD INC Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience (SCCN,
EEG Virtual and Augmented Reality Live Demonstrations
Mobile Brain Imaging (MoBI) Laboratory, SDSC East Expansion Level B2 (adjacent to tutorials and lunch venue):

  • Edgar Mitchell Experience in Virtual Reality
    This is a 360-degree virtual reality simulation following the journey of Edgar Mitchell, an astronaut on the Apollo 14 mission, as he returns from the moon and makes his way back to Earth.
  • Supporting Self-transcendence and Compassion through EEG-guided Virtual Reality
    We utilize an adaptive, closed-loop BCI system that modulates the intensity and content of a virtual psychedelic experience based on EEG-derived Default-Mode-Network activity.
PDT: 14:00‑16:00
JST: Sat, 27 Apr 06:00‑08:00
(120 min)
Tutorial slot III

Three tutorials in parallel

show abstract

SANA-FE: Simulating Advanced Neuromorphic Architectures for Fast ExplorationN2A – neural programming language and workbenchCrossSim: A Hardware/Software Co-Design Tool for Analog In-Memory Computing
James Boyle (The University of Texas at Austin)

Room: INC central foyer

Tutorial abstract

Fred Rothganger (Sandia National Labs)

Room: Synthesis Center

Tutorial abstract

William Chapman (Sandia National Labs)

Room: INC conference room

Tutorial abstract


PDT: 16:00
JST: Sat, 27 Apr 08:00
End of NICE 2024


We gratefully acknowledge the support of the following organizations contributing to the success of NICE 2024:

UC San Diego
Institute for Neural Computation
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society